The Sunday Slow-Down:
A Restorative Yoga Series @ The Flow Newtown
August 2023

The Sunday Slow-Down.

In a world of pressure to do more, wouldn’t it be nice to give yourself permission to slow down and do less?

Conscious rest is a powerful tool for re-connection and recalibration.
Restorative Yoga helps replenish nervous system health, re-establish balance and renew our spirit.

Join me every Sunday afternoon in August (commencing Sunday 6th August) for 2 hours of a soothing, calming, quieting restorative practice to help you unravel from the weekend and honour the more inward-looking, contemplative aspects of winter.  
We will practice some gentle movement and conscious breathing and/or meditation, followed by a restorative session taking the sweet support of props to downshift the nervous system into a state of deep relaxation. 

You will be asked to bring a small selection of warm, soft and fluffy things to ensure the most comfortable experience possible (and to give you an idea of how to re-create the practice at home!)

Details to be provided upon booking.
 Warm clothes, socks and layers are essential (and pyjamas are welcome)

**This series is open to all levels and will be taught as a 4-week series, commencing on Sunday 6 August.  
You are welcome to attend all 4 Sundays or book in for individual class sessions**


The Flow, Newtown
1/502 King St, Newtown NSW 2042

Sunday 6th August 2023
Sunday 13th August 2023
Sunday 20th August 2023
Sunday 27th August 2023

5.00pm - 7.00pm

$60 per workshop

“Rest is the conversation between what we love to do and how we love to be. Rest is not stasis but the essence of giving and receiving.
Rest is an act of remembering, imaginatively and intellectually, but also physiologically and physically. We often hate ourselves for our procrastination, when it is often only the deeply disguised need to rest deeply enough to reconstitute and reimagine our approach.

To rest is to become present in a different way than through action, and especially to give up on the will as the prime motivator of endeavor, with its endless outward need to reward itself through established goals.

To rest is to give up on worrying and fretting and the sense that there is something wrong with the world unless we put it right; to rest is to fall back, literally or figuratively from outer targets, not even to a sense of inner accomplishment or an imagined state of attained stillness, but to a different kind of meeting place, a living, breathing state of natural exchange…
The ability to take real rest is almost an art form; strangely, almost a discipline: the discipline of putting things aside, especially putting aside the will, and the false self, supported by endless endeavour: this is not to give up on the will but to invite it back again as a good servant to the soul’s desires instead of the heartless and exhausting task master it becomes when we push it to the leading edge of our identity.
— 'REST’ From CONSOLATIONS: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words. © 2015 David Whyte